Dental emergencies are sudden and unexpected. The situation is urgent and, if not handled properly, can lead to a lot of pain, long-term damage, and expensive dental bills. While you are just trying to minimize the damage a dental emergency can cause, knowing how to prepare for such a moment can go a long way. If you are in the Prescott, Wisconsin area and are waiting to get in to see Drs. Jay Feuillerat and Samantha Clare at Scenic Bluffs Dental, knowing how to handle certain dental emergencies could help prevent long-term complications such as losing your tooth. What follows is a quick guide you can follow when faced with certain dental emergencies.
If you are in a dental emergency, you must always reach out to your local dentist as soon as possible. If you are in the Prescott, Wisconsin area, call the team at Scenic Bluffs Dental by dialing (715) 953-0499.
Scenic Bluffs Dental is headed by the husband and wife duo, Dr. Jay Feuillerat and Dr. Samantha Clare. Dr. Feuillerat earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, where he also received special recognition for his outstanding work in both prosthodontics and endodontics. His continued education includes completion of a Postgraduate Program in Contemporary, Esthetic and Implant Dentistry offered through the University of Minnesota and advanced courses in digital dentistry and endodontic techniques.
Dr. Clare received her DDS degree from the University of Minnesota. She has completed numerous continuing education opportunities, including a Postgraduate Program in Contemporary, Esthetic and Implant Dentistry, the DOCS course in Adult Sedation Dentistry, the Wisconsin-based Restorative Driven Implants course, and many other hands-on clinical sessions with the Zimmer and Spear Institutes.