Replace missing teeth with full and partial dentures in Prescott, WI
Teeth are a crucial part of your digestion, and even a single missing tooth can make it difficult to chew and swallow your food. Dr. Jay and the team at Scenic Bluffs Dental offer full & partial dentures for patients in Prescott, WI, as well as surrounding areas such as Ellsworth, River Falls, and Hastings, MN, to improve their oral health and help them speak clearly and improve digestion.
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Benefits of dentures

Dentures provide a natural-looking restoration for your mouth, and with the proper fit, you can speak clearly and chew your food without worrying about them moving around your mouth. Traditional partial and complete dentures are removable for easy cleaning and adjustment. Typically, you will need to wait 6-9 weeks after extraction to get them fitted to allow your body time to heal and let your gums settle into their new shape. Generally, you will need to replace removable dentures every 5-15 years, and they require periodic adjustment for a comfortable fit.
Implant-supported dentures can replace a complete row of teeth with as few as four implants, and they provide stimulation for your jaw to prevent bone loss and facial shrinking. They can be fixed in place or designed to snap in and out for cleaning. Implant-supported dentures can last for decades with proper care.
Crafting beautiful restorations
During your initial evaluation, Dr. Jay will examine your mouth and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of all your options. He will work with you to form a treatment plan and give you an idea of the timeline from extraction to restoration. While dental implants offer the best restoration for your mouth, some patients prefer traditional dentures because they want to avoid surgery and the extra time they require to place them. Some patients may prefer dental implants because they don’t want to deal with adjustments, dental adhesive, and floating teeth.
Losing your natural teeth can be difficult to process, but Dr. Jay puts the patient’s comfort first and approaches each situation with compassion. To learn more about our options for replacing missing teeth, contact our office in Prescott, WI, today at (715) 953-0499 to set up an appointment.